Brawler's Name: Mac Domino
Gender: Male
Physical Appearance: brown hair, brown eyes, almost like dans face
Personality: Smart, fast, a true fighter, fit
Likes/Dislikes: likes: bakugan brawls, video games, and tecnology. Dislikes: spamers, criminals.
Background: lived life in the suberbs
Bakugans: All Aquos
Mantris: 350 Gs
Tuskor :350 Gs
Hydranoid :390Gs
Reaper:370 Gs
Tigrerra:350 Gs
Siernoid :340 Gs
Preyas : 300 Gs
Seige: 390 Gs
Ability Cards:
Copy Cat x2(bakugan can copy the previous ability of the oponnent)
Marionnete x1(Mantris can move a bakugan to another card)
Nose Slap x1(Tuskor may attack any other bakugan on another gatecard)
Dimansion 4x2(Stops attribute boost from gate card)
Double Dimansionx2(stops the effect of an ability card)
Forcing Wavex1
Dive Miragex2 for aquos only (an aquos bakugan can leave its place and move into another gate card)
Tsunami Wavex1(aquos seige creates a huge wave on the feild which flows away all bakugan in it)
Water Refrain (your opponent can't use ability cards for a couple of turns)Command Cards:
Peacemakerx2(Turns all Gs of all Bakugan on One card to 0)
Level Downx2(Bakugan stronger than 400 Gs decrease by 100 Gs)
Crystal fang(Tigrerra gains 80gs)
Cut in saber(allows tigrerra to join the battle)
Boosted Dragon(adds 50gs to Dragoniod)
Gate Cards:
Mind Ghost(Destroys All Bakugan on this Card)
Double battle(Both Players put out one more Bakugan and combine the power levels of each)
Triple Battle(The user of this card can put in one more Bakugan to the battle and add it's Gs to that of their first Bakugan)
Quicksand Freeze (Bakugan gets trapped on the card and cannot move)
Energy Merge (Your Bakugan gains 100 Gs, your opponents Bakugan loses 100 Gs)
Revive (One fallen Bakugan is resurrected so it can battle again. The owner still has a loss that counts against them)
Aquos +100 x1 all Aquos bakugan get this power boost
Character Cards:
Special Ability-
Supernova(G's are switched between 2 Bakugan)